Static properties



The private static property of the AllowedChars type denotes allowed characters of the wrap. The default allowed characters for the wrap are [ ] ( ) < > { }. The pattern can be set by the static setAllowedChars() method and get by the static getAllowedChars() method.

Good to know: The pattern is used by the static define(), setWrap(), and wrapText() methods.

private static allowedChars = new AllowedChars(/([\[\]\(\)<>{}])/g);


The private static property of the Wrap is the default instance of static Wrapper. It can be set by the static setWrap() method and get by the static getWrap() method. By default, it is set to [].

Good to know: The property is the default value for the wrap parameter in the wrapText() method of the instance.

private static wrap: Wrap<string, string> = Wrapper.define('[', ']');

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