
The Tag object represents the immutable opening and closing tag.

Instance properties


Gets the closing tag of a generic type ClosingTag.

Gets the tag name without the wrap by using an intuitive property name.

Gets the opening tag of a generic type OpeningTag.

Gets the tag of a string type by using an intuitive property name.

Gets the wrap of tag name.

Gets the tag of a string type by using a general property name.

Static methods


The static method checks whether the provided value of any type is an instance of Tag.

Instance methods


Gets the closing tag of a specified Tag object.

Gets the tag name without the opening and closing char.

Gets the opening tag of the specified Tag object.

Gets the wrap of a tag name.

The method replaces the tag of a specified Tag object with the provided replaceValue in the given text if both values are strings.

The method tags the provided text with the opening and closing tag.

Returns tag name, a primitive value of the specified Tag object.

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