
The investigation concerns method naming and involves the names 'wrap' and 'wrapper' and already existing objects of the same name. Before starting an investigation, the Wrap and Wrapper objects need to be brought closer for their minimal understanding.


The Wrap object represents the immutable text wrapped by the opening and closing chars, and it is designed to preserve the names of the opening, text, and closing.


As a noun - "material used for wrapping" - Merriam-Webster

As a noun - "paper, cloth, or other material that is used to cover something" - Cambridge Dictionary

The wrap is the thing that something is wrapped in. Something, in this case, is the text, and the thing is the opening and closing characters.

As a verb - "to put paper, cloth, or other material around something" - Cambridge Dictionary

Wrap something around another thing. Something, in this case, is the opening and closing characters, and the thing is the text.


The constructor of the Wrap object initializes by providing a required opening, closing, and optional text to wrap. All the values are a part of the primitive value of this object and are stored separately in private values #opening, #closing, and #text. Access to these properties is by get accessors opening, closing and text, so even the parts of the primitive value are immutable.

The text is being wrapped only by initialization.

export class Wrap<
  Opening extends string = string,
  Text extends string = ``,
  Closing extends string = string
> extends String {

  constructor(opening: Opening, closing: Closing, text: Text = '' as Text) {
    this.#closing = String(closing) as Closing;
    this.#text = String(text) as Text;
    this.#opening = String(opening) as Opening;


The Wrapper is an extension of the Wrap object means it represents the immutable wrap of the opening and closing with the additional ability to use it to wrap text.


noun - "a piece of paper, plastic, or other material used to cover a product" - Cambridge Dictionary

noun - "that in which something is wrapped" - Merriam-Webster

noun - "one that wraps" - Merriam-Webster

It can be understood as one or a machine that holds the wrap to wrap any text by using it. One or a machine is just an object.


The constructor of the Wrapper object initializes by providing a required opening, closing, and optional text to wrap.

export class Wrapper<
  Opening extends string = string,
  Text extends string = '',
  Closing extends string = string
> extends Wrap<Opening, Text, Closing> {

  // Wrapper constructor.
  constructor(opening: Opening, closing: Closing, text?: Text) {
    super(opening, closing, text);


Wrapper's initialization.

// Let's initialize the `Wrapper`.
const spanWrapper = new Wrapper('<', '>', 'span');

// Primitive value of the `Wrapper` is <span>.

The examples from previous pages explain how the methods can work on the instance, but the catch is in the wrap() method used in two different objects. What does this method do?

Wrap method in the Wrapper object

The wrap(text: string) method of the Wrapper object with the text parameter uses the < and > of the Wrapper instance to wrap the given text.

// Returns <text> of type "<text>".
new Wrapper('<', '>').wrap('text'); 

Wrap method in the Text object

The Text object is extended by the String, and its primitive value is given text. The wrap(opening: string, closing: string) method of Text with parameters opening and closing uses them to wrap the primitive value of the Text instance.

// Returns <text>.
new Text('text').wrap('<', '>');

Method usage differences and similarities

  • The wrap word means the same in both Text and Wrapper objects - it wraps something.

  • The methods return the same result.

  • The methods have different parameters depending on the object.

  • The methods perform the wrap differently because they perform on different objects with different parameters, but it is still the same action of the 'wrap'.

    • The method wrap() of the Text instance wraps the text of a Text instance with given opening and closing characters in the method.

    • The method wrap() of the Wrapper instance wraps the given method's text with the opening and closing characters of the Wrapper instance.

  • There are two functionalities in the same method name.


There seems to be no sense to insight the method by a single attribute like consistent or intuitive because they are interdependent, and their meaning is different depending on perspectives. Let's do this because different perspectives should emerge during the read.

Does the method name is intuitive?

The method means the same in both `Text` and `Wrapper` objects because they perform the same 'wrap' action. It should be enough to indicate 'wrap' as an intuitive method name regardless of the object.

Does the method name is consistent?

The method name is consistent because of encoded in generally known naming conventions.

Does the method is intuitive?

The importance of interdependence forces to include at least functionality and consistency with intuitiveness.

The method is intuitive because its functionality behaves cohesively and constantly to the method name giving the same result, but can be accused as not intuitive because it's called with different parameters depending on the object, which means their functionalities are different despite the same result.

However, when we look at the method as part of a specific object, it seems intuitive. If a method is of the Text object, we intuitively know that we need to provide opening and closing parameters to the wrap() method, and if it's of Wrapper we know that we need to provide text.

If the object name is not ambiguous, its functionality too, intuitive usage of the wrap() method is still possible because we can look at parameters to recognize what type of the wrap method it is.

Does the method is consistent?

The method is consistent because the result of its functionality of wrap does the same in both objects.

The method can be accused as inconsistent because it's called with different parameters depending on the object, which means their functionalities are divergent despite the same result.

However, when we look at the method as part of a specific object, it seems to be consistent. We consistently know that the method of the Text object always has the same parameters, which are different from the Wrapper object.


It is worth checking only the method name, not including the object and its functionality, because then it's possible to achieve constant intuitive method names, at first sight, indicating its meaning. The need is also to have the same parameters. They act similar to a function. Similar because methods pick the data from an instance.

There are two types of methods, first, changes the primitive value of a specified object with or without parameters, and second, uses the primitive value to change a given method's parameter.

There are two functionalities, and the object should not have both functionalities in one method cause of parameters conflict or even with additional parameters because of losing its simplicity. To achieve consistency and intuitiveness, we need to separate both functionalities using different method names, which can be wrap() and wrapText() of the exact meaning. It should be noted that the additional method increases the object's complexity.

Crucial is to have an intuitive naming. The wrap refers that the text to be wrapped is in the instance. The wrapText indicates that the text to be wrapped needs to be provided in the method parameter.

Let's analyze naming the methods to see it's not simple.

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