Wrap {}

The idea behind the Wrap is to have an object that creates a tag of string type, not a specific type like Html, or BBCode but any tag of a string with preserved exact type. Looking first at the Html tag we see that it consists of one character, a word, and one character. Based on the Html tag and by using the primitive wrapper objects, the Wrap object is going to be designed.

The Wrap string object constructor has two required parameters and one optional, resulting in three private(hashed) properties and get accessors intuitively of the same names. The required parameters are required because they are a crucial part of the wrapping, and without them, there is no such thing as a wrap.

The constructor parameters names are the opening characters, closing characters, and optional text wrapped by them, which make up the primitive value of the Wrap object.

Constructor's parameters



text:Text = ''

Wrap private properties





get opening():Opening refers to #opening:Opening

get closing():Closing refers to #closing:Closing

get text():Text refers to #text:Text

Primitive value


Getting the primitive value of the Wrap object is possible with native valueOf() and toString() methods. Because of their accessibility in any string, there is no need to add more.

Let's do some analysis to approve the chosen words of the constructor parameters.

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