
[3.0.0-rc] - 2022-02-16


  • Add define(), isValidationError() static method to the ValidationError object. b261662 eb2d8e2

  • Add the generic type variable Id to the ValidationError. eb2d8e2

  • Add [Symbol.toStringTag]() get accessor to return the object different class name. eb2d8e2

  • Add ValidationErrors object that is is an extension of the CommonErrors object that represents multiple identification numbers under which the errors of the ValidationError type are prepared to throw. 43a0162

  • Add TypeErrors object that is an extension of the CommonErrors object that represents multiple identification numbers under which the errors of the TypeError type are prepared to throw. ff2feeb

  • Add TypeError object that is an extension of the CommonError class and is thrown when an operation could not be performed, typically(but not exclusively) when a value is not of the expected type, with the message built from the described problem and its solution, optional an explicit identification and type, on the given or stored template. 8112c16

  • Add RangeErrors object that is an extension of the CommonErrors object that represents multiple identification numbers under which the errors of the RangeError type are prepared to throw. 72b8582

  • Add RangeError object that is an extension of the CommonError class and is thrown when a value is not in the set or range of allowed values with the message built from the described problem and its solution, optional explicit identification and minimum/maximum range on the given or stored template. 77e4e0a

  • Add Errors object that is an extension of the CommonErrors object that represents multiple identification numbers under which the errors of the Error type are prepared to throw. a5f391c

  • Add Error object that is an extension of the CommonError class and is thrown when a runtime error occurs with a message built from a solution to the described problem but with additional identification, on the template. 789083e

  • Add CommonErrors object that represents the storage of errors with unique identification numbers. a17461b

  • Add CommonError abstract object to throw an identified error with a solution to the described problem, additional type, and range built on the template. 9089375


  • Change the constructor() of the ValidationError to use direct parameters instead of object.

  • Change #tpl property to #template and the default value to Problem{id}: {problem} => Fix: {fix}.

  • Change the property name to name accessor.


  • Remove #callback private property from the ValidationError to simplify the object.

  • Remove VEAllowedCallback type and ErrorMessage interface to simplify the object. 00229cd 30716b2

  • Remove set problem(), set message(), set fix(), set template() accessors of an ValidationError instance. b261662

  • Remove #guardMessage(), #guardTemplate(), defineMessage(), static method from the ValidationError(). b261662

  • Remove updateMessage(), throw(), setTemplate(), setProblem(), setMessage(), setFix() instance method from the ValidationError(). b261662

Last updated

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