


  • Generic type variable Step of default value 1 and the step parameter in the constructor that uses it. e0aaca9

  • The stepByStep() method that performs a callback function with the ability to decide when to move to the next step of the range. e0aaca9

  • The getRange() method to return a range of numbers from minimum to maximum with the step. e0aaca9

  • The forEachStep() method to perform the specified action for each step in the range of an array. e0aaca9

  • The get accessor range that obtains the range of an array number from the minimum to the maximum with the step of a specified Range object. e0aaca9

  • The get accessor step that obtains the step of a specified Range object. e0aaca9

  • The #step private property of the generic type variable Step that indicates the range step. e0aaca9

  • The step parameter to the static create() method of generic type variable Step. e0aaca9

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