get less()

The get accessor obtains from the private #less property an instance of the Less


The get accessor obtains from the private #less property an instance of the Less with a primitive value from a given value of the Inequality constructor.

public get less(): Less<Value> {
  return this.#less;

Return type


The return type is the Less primitive wrapper object that takes the generic type variable Value of the Inequality object.


The return value is the Less instance with a primitive value from the given value of the Inequality constructor.

Example usage

// Example usage.
import { Inequality } from '@angular-package/range';

// Define the `Year` class and extend it with `Inequality`.
class Year<Value extends number> extends Inequality<Value> {}

// Initialize `Year`.
const year = new Year(1981);

// Returns Year {1981} of Year<1981>.

// Returns Less {1981} of Less<1981>

// Returns `true`.

// Returns `false`.
year.less.thanEvery(1981, 1982, 1983);

// Returns `false`.
year.less.thanSome(1981, 1980, 1979);

Last updated

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