
The list.join() returns a new list containing the elements of $list1 followed by the elements of $list2.

// Sass.
@use 'sass:list';

// The `list.join()` function.
@function join(
  $separator: auto,
  $bracketed: auto,
  $delimiter: null
) {
  @if $delimiter {
    $list: ();
    $i: 1;
    @each $value in list.join($list1, $list2, $separator, $bracketed) {
      $list: list.append($list, $value, $separator);
      @if not(calc(list.length($list1) + list.length($list2)) == $i) {
        $list: list.append($list, $delimiter, $separator);

      $i: $i + 1;
    @return $list;
  @return list.join($list1, $list2, $separator, $bracketed);



The list to join elements of $list2.


The list to be joined into $list1.

$separator: auto

Comma, space, or slash separator used between the elements of the list. Default, auto.

$bracketed: auto

If true then returned list is between the square brackets.

$delimiter: null

The delimiter is the character added as an element between each element in the returned list.


The return value is a new list containing the elements of $list1 followed by the elements of $list2.


// Use.
@use 'angular-package/sass/list';

// Examples.
@debug list.join(a b c, d e f, $delimiter: '-'); // a "-" b "-" c "-" d "-" e "-" f

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