
The modified map.get() function returns the value associated with $key in $map, and returns $fallback if returned is null.

Modified by removing arbitrary argument $keys... and instead, adding $fallback value. To get the nested value use key as comma-separated list. This way of providing key as comma-separated list is consistent with map.remove() and map.set() functions.

// Sass.
@use 'sass:list';
@use 'sass:map';
@use 'sass:meta';

// The `map.get()` function.
@function get($map, $key, $fallback: null) {
  @return if(
      meta.type-of($map) == map and list.length($key) > 0,
        list.separator($key) == comma,
        map.get($map, $key...),
        map.get($map, $key)
    or $fallback;



A map to get the value by using $key.


The key used to get the value from $map.

$fallback: null

The fallback value if returned is null.


The return value is the value associated with $key from $map, if null returns $fallback.


// Use.
@use '@angular-package/sass/map';

// Examples.
$-map: (
  light theme: (
    primary palette: (
      primary: primary color,
      primary dark: primary color dark
  (dark theme, normal theme): (
    silver: #f1f1f1,
    red: #d72000,

// simple key
@debug map.get($-map, light theme); // (primary palette: (primary: primary color, primary dark: primary color dark))

// nested key
@debug map.get($-map, (light theme, primary palette)); // (primary: primary color, primary dark: primary color dark)

// null
@debug map.get($-map, wrong key); // null

// fallback
@debug map.get($-map, wrong key, (must be: this value)); // (must be: this value)

Last updated

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