The return value is a bool indicating $map contains $keys.
// Use.@use'@angular-package/sass/map';// Examples.$-map: (list1: (),list2: (), a b c d e f: value,a: (b: (c: (d: e))),any: true,all: false,separator:auto,bracketed: false,method: join,null: false);// string key@debug map.has-keys($-map, list1, list2); // true// string keys@debug map.has-keys($-map, list1, list2); // true@debug map.has-keys($-map, list1, list2, wrong); // false@debug map.has-keys($-map, list1, list3); // false// list key@debug map.has-keys($-map, a b c d e f); // true@debug map.has-keys($-map, a b c d e); // false@debug map.has-keys($-map, a b c d e f, bracketed); // true@debug map.has-keys($-map, a b c d e, bracketed); // false// nested keys@debug map.has-keys($-map, (a, b, c, d), a b c d e f); // true@debug map.has-keys($-map, (a, b, c, d), (a b c d e f g)); // false
// Sass.@use'sass:list';@use'sass:map';// Functions.@use'../list/list.append.function'as *;// Status: DONE// The `map.has-keys()` function checks whether `$map` contains `$keys`.// @param `$map` A map to check whether it has all `$keys`.// @param `$key` Required key to check whether `$map` contains.// @param `$keys...` Additional keys to check whether `$map` contains them.// @return The return value is a `bool` indicating `$map` contains `$key` or/and `$keys`.@functionhas-keys($map, $key, $keys...) { $has:();@each $key inappend((), $key, comma, $keys...) { $has:list.append($has,if(list.separator($key) == comma, map.has-key($map, $key...), map.has-key($map, $key))); }@returnif(list.index($has, false), false, true);}// Examples.// $-map: (list1: (), list2: (), a b c d e f: value, a: (b: (c: (d: e))), any: true, all: false, separator: auto, bracketed: false, method: join, null: false);// string key// @debug has-keys($-map, list1, list2); // true// string keys// @debug has-keys($-map, list1, list2); // true// @debug has-keys($-map, list1, list2, wrong); // false// @debug has-keys($-map, list1, list3); // false// list key// @debug has-keys($-map, a b c d e f); // true// @debug has-keys($-map, a b c d e); // false// @debug has-keys($-map, a b c d e f, bracketed); // true// @debug has-keys($-map, a b c d e, bracketed); // false// nested keys// @debug has-keys($-map, (a, b, c, d), a b c d e f); // true// @debug has-keys($-map, (a, b, c, d), (a b c d e f g)); // false