
The map.remove() function with unified map.remove() and deep-remove() returns $map without $keys.

Modified by adding deep remove on key as comma-separated list. This way of providing key is consistent with a map.set() and map.get() functions.

// Sass.
@use 'sass:list';
@use 'sass:map';
@use 'sass:meta';

// The `map.remove()` function.
@function remove($map, $keys...) {
  @each $key in $keys {
    $map: if(
      meta.type-of($key) == list and list.separator($key) == comma,
      map.deep-remove($map, $key...),
      map.remove($map, $key)
  @return $map;
// Sass.
@use 'sass:list';
@use 'sass:map';
@use 'sass:meta';

// Functions.
@use '../list/list.append.function' as *;

// Status: DONE
// The `map.remove()` function with unified `map.remove()` and `deep-remove()` returns a copy `$map` without `$keys`.
// ? Modified by adding deep remove on key as comma-separated list. This way of providing key is consistent with a `map.set()` and `map.get()` functions.
// @param `$map` A map to remove `$keys` from.
// @param `$key` Required to key remove from `$map`.
// @arbitrary `$keys...` Multiple keys to remove from `$map`. If key is a comma-separated list then `map.deep-remove()` function is used, otherwise `map.remove()`.
// @return The return value is a copy of `$map` without any values associated with `$keys`.
@function remove($map, $key, $keys...) {
  @each $key in append((), $key, comma, $keys...) {
    $map: if(
      meta.type-of($key) == list and list.separator($key) == comma,
      map.deep-remove($map, $key...),
      map.remove($map, $key)
  @return $map;

// Examples.
// $-fonts: (
//   "Helvetica": (
//     "weights": (
//       "regular": 400,
//       "medium": 500,
//       "bold": 700
//     )
//   ),
//   "regular": 400,
//   "medium": 500,
//   "bold": 700
// );

// key - default feature `map.remove()` and `deep-remove()`.
// @debug remove($-fonts, regular, (Helvetica, weights, medium)); // ("Helvetica": ("weights": ("regular": 400, "bold": 700)), "medium": 500, "bold": 700)



A map to remove $keys from.


Multiple keys to remove from $map. If key is a comma-separated list then map.deep-remove() function is used, otherwise map.remove().


The return value is a copy of $map without any values associated with $keys.


// Use.
@use '@angular-package/sass/map';

// Examples.
$-fonts: (
  "Helvetica": (
    "weights": (
      "regular": 400,
      "medium": 500,
      "bold": 700
  "regular": 400,
  "medium": 500,
  "bold": 700

// key - default feature `map.remove()` and `deep-remove()`.
@debug map.remove($-fonts, regular, (Helvetica, weights, medium)); // ("Helvetica": ("weights": ("regular": 400, "bold": 700)), "medium": 500, "bold": 700)

Last updated