// Sass.
@use 'sass:list';
// Functions.
@use '../translator.dictionary.function';
@use 'translate.string.function';
// Modules.
@use '../dictionary';
// The `translator.translate-nth()` or `translate.nth()` function.
@function nth($list, $n, $key: null, $dictionary: (), $global: null) {
@if type-of($list) == list {
$dictionary: translator.dictionary($key, $dictionary, $global);
$nth: list.nth($list, $n);
$translation: dictionary.translation($nth, $dictionary);
@if type-of($nth) == list {
@if $translation {
@return list.set-nth($list, $n, $translation);
} @else {
@for $i from 1 through list.length($nth) {
$translation: dictionary.translation(list.nth($nth, $i), $dictionary);
@if $translation {
$nth: list.set-nth($nth, $i, $translation);
@return list.set-nth($list, $n, $nth);
@return if($translation, list.set-nth($list, $n, $translation), $list);
@return $list;
// Use.
@use '@angular-package/sass/translator';
// Examples.
$-dictionary-example: dictionary.merge(null, (
(extra large, 'extra large', extra-large): xl,
(extra small, 'extra small', extra-small): xs,
border: b,
class: (prefix: class-prefix, separator: class-separator, suffix: class-suffix, calendars: (calendar: cal), labels: (label: lab)),
color: c,
general: (word: słowo, (wrapper, wrap): owijka, (technology, technologia): tech, color: c),
large: lg,
medium: md,
outline: o,
prefix: spectre,
small: sm,
suffix: end,
// String with space.
@debug translator.translate-nth(border width 'extra small', 3); // border width xs
// String with delimiter.
@debug translator.translate-nth(border width extra-large, 3); // border width xl
// Translate list as phrase.
@debug translator.translate-nth(border width (extra small), 3); // border width xs
// Translate list as string.
@debug translator.translate-nth(border width (extra-small, 'extra large'), 3); // border width (xs, xl)
// `$global` dictionary true
@debug translator.translate-nth((prefix, suffix), 2, class); // prefix, class-suffix
@debug translator.translate-nth((prefix, name, suffix), 1, class); // class-prefix, name, suffix
// `$global` dictionary false
@debug translator.translate-nth((prefix, suffix), 1, class, $global: false); // prefix, suffix
// List.
@debug translator.translate-nth(((prefix, suffix), suffix), 1, class); // (class-prefix, class-suffix), suffix
@debug translator.translate-nth(((prefix, suffix, (prefix, suffix)), suffix), 1, class); // (class-prefix, class-suffix, (prefix, suffix)), suffix
// Custom `$dictionary`.
@debug translator.translate-nth((prefix, suffix), 1, null, $-dictionary-example class); // class-prefix, suffix
@debug translator.translate-nth((prefix, suffix), 1, class, (test: (class: (prefix: spectre-prefix))) test, false); // spectre-prefix, suffix
@debug translator.translate-nth((wrapper, label, ), 1, null, $-dictionary-example general); // owijka, label
@debug translator.translate-nth((wrapper, label, color), 3, general, $-dictionary-example); // wrapper, label, c
@debug translator.translate-nth((wrapper, label, color), 3, $dictionary: $-dictionary-example general); // wrapper, label, c