// Sass.
@use 'sass:list';
@use 'sass:map';
// Functions.
@use '../list/list.append.function' as *;
@use '../list/list.range.function' as *;
@use 'map.deep-merge.function' as *;
@use 'map.get.function' as *;
@use 'map.key-pattern-index.function' as *;
@use 'map.keys-pattern.function' as *;
@use 'map.set.function' as *;
// Modules.
@use 'pattern';
@use 'pick';
// Status: TODO: Examples.
// The `map.pick()` function returns a copy of `$map` of `$keys`.
// @param `$map` A map from which values of `$keys` are taken.
// @param `$key` Required key to pick from `$map`.
// @arbitrary `$keys...` List of keys to get the values from `$map`.
// @return The return value is a copy of `$map` built of `$keys`.
@function pick($map, $key, $keys...) {
$result: ();
@each $key in append((), $key, comma, $keys...) {
// FEATURE: Key of list type
@if type-of($key) == list {
@if key-pattern-index($key) {
@each $pattern-key in keys-pattern($map, $key) {
$result: set(
list.separator($pattern-key) == space,
list.length($pattern-key) > 1,
list.nth($pattern-key, list.length($pattern-key)),
get($map, $pattern-key)
} @else {
$result: set(
list.separator($key) == space,
list.length($key) > 1,
list.nth($key, list.length($key)),
get($map, $key)
// FEATURE: Pattern
} @else if pattern.is($key) {
$result: deep-merge($result, pick.pattern($map, $key));
// FEATURE: Ordinary key
} @else {
$result: deep-merge($result, ($key: get($map, $key)));
@return $result;
// Examples.
// @debug pick((a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4), a, b, d); // (a: 1, b: 2, d: 4)
// @debug pick((a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4), (a, b, d)); // (a: 1, b: 2, d: 4)
// @debug pick((a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4), (a, b), (c, d)); // (a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4)
// @debug pick((a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, a b: 5), a b); // (a b: 5)
// @debug pick((a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, a b: 5, c d: 6), a b, c d); // (a b: 5, c d: 6)
// @debug pick((a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5), e); // (e: 5)
// $-theme: (
// dark: (
// 'dark.palette': (),
// basic large: (
// '': border,
// dark: border dark,
// light: border light
// ),
// ),
// basic: (
// 'default.palette': (),
// 'gray.palette': (
// 'gray': 'gray' color,
// 'gray' dark: 'gray' dark,
// 'gray' light: 'gray' light
// ),
// 'bg.palette': (
// bg: bg color,
// bg dark: bg dark,
// bg light: bg light
// ),
// basic large: (
// '': border,
// dark: border dark,
// light: border light
// ),
// extended small: (
// '': primary,
// dark: primary dark,
// light: primary light
// ),
// [primary]: (
// primary dark: primary dark,
// ),
// (key1, key2): (
// primary: primary1
// ),
// key1: primary,
// key2: (
// settings1: ( display: true ),
// settings2: ( display: true ),
// ),
// key3: (
// settings3: ( display: true ),
// settings4: ( display: true ),
// ),
// key4: (
// settings5: ( display: true ),
// settings6: ( font-size: 5px ),
// ),
// key5: (
// settings7: ( display: true ),
// settings8: ( font-size: 15px ),
// ),
// key6: (
// settings9: ( display: true ),
// settings10: ( font-size: 15px ),
// ),
// )
// );
// Pattern.
// @debug pick(map.get($-theme, basic), '*.palette');
// @debug pick($-theme, (basic, '*.palette'));
// List space separator.
// @debug pick(map.get($-theme, basic), basic large); // (basic large: ("": border, dark: border dark, light: border light))
// List space separator + string.
// @debug pick(map.get($-theme, basic), basic large, 'bg.palette'); // (basic large: ("": border, dark: border dark, light: border light), "bg.palette": (bg: bg color, bg dark: bg dark, bg light: bg light))
// @debug pick(map.get($-theme, basic), basic large, 'default.palette', 'gray.palette', 'bg.palette');
// @debug pick(map.get($-theme, basic), basic large, extended small);
// @debug pick(map.get($-theme, basic), key1, basic large);
// Nested + string.
// @debug pick($-theme, (basic, key1), (basic, (key1, key2)));
// Nested + list.
// @debug pick($-theme, (basic, (key1, key2)));
// @debug pick($-theme, dark, (basic, (key1, key2)));
// Bracketed.
// @debug pick(map.get($-theme, basic), [primary]);
// Nested + bracketed.
// @debug pick($-theme, (basic, [primary]));
// $-map: (
// a test: 1,
// b test: 2,
// c: 3,
// (d, test): 4,
// e: (f: (g: 6))
// );
// @debug pick(
// $-map,
// a,
// b test,
// (d, test),
// (e, f, g)
// );
// @debug pick(
// map.get($-theme, basic),
// // '*.palette', // FEATURE: suffix .palette
// // '$palette', // FEATURE:
// // [primary], // FEATURE: bracketed
// // basic large, // FEATURE: string
// // ((key1, key2),), // FEATURE: key with comma
// // key1 // FEATURE: string
// (basic, '$palette')
// );
// @debug pick($-theme, (basic, '$palette'), );
// @debug pick($-theme, (basic, '^key'), (basic, '^key', settings1), (basic, '*key'));