// Sass.
@use 'sass:list';
@use 'sass:map';
// Modules.
@use '../../meta';
@use '../../string';
// Functions.
@use '../../list/list.append.function' as *;
// Status: DONE
// The `pick.key-substring()` function returns a copy of `$map` with keys of `$substrings`.
// @param `$map` A map from which keys of `$substrings` are picked.
// @param `$substring` Substring of key to pick from `$map`.
// @arbitrary `$substrings...` Substrings of keys to pick from `$map`.
// @return The return value is a copy of `$map` with keys associated with `$substrings`.
@function key-substring($map, $substring, $substrings...) {
$result: ();
@each $substring in append((), $substring, comma, $substrings...) {
@if type-of($substring) == string or type-of($substring) == map {
@each $key in map.keys($map) {
$key: if(meta.of-type(color number string, $key), #{$key}, $key);
@if type-of($key) == string {
@if type-of($substring) == map {
$position: map.keys($substring); // Get substring position.
$-substring: list.nth(map.values($substring), 1);
// Substring start.
@if list.index($position, start) or list.index($position, '^') {
@if string.index($key, $-substring) == 1 {
$result: map.deep-merge($result, ($key: map.get($map, $key)));
// Substring end.
} @else if list.index($position, end) or list.index($position, '$') {
@if string.index($key, $-substring) {
$true: (string.index($key, $-substring) - 1) + string.length($-substring) == string.length($key);
@if $true {
$result: map.deep-merge($result, ($key: map.get($map, $key)));
} @else {
@if string.index($key, $substring) {
$result: map.deep-merge($result, ($key: map.get($map, $key)));
@return $result;
// Examples.
// $-theme: (
// dark: (
// 'dark.palette': (),
// basic large: (
// '': border,
// dark: border dark,
// light: border light
// ),
// ),
// basic: (
// '9971test': 1,
// '2test': 2,
// '3test': 3,
// '4test': 4,
// '5test': 5,
// 'test9971': 1,
// 'test2': 2,
// 'test3': 3,
// 'test4': 4,
// 'test5': 5,
// 'default.palette': (),
// 'gray.palette': (
// 'gray': 'gray' color,
// 'gray' dark: 'gray' dark,
// 'gray' light: 'gray' light
// ),
// 'bg.palette': (
// bg: bg color,
// bg dark: bg dark,
// bg light: bg light
// ),
// basic large: (
// '': border,
// dark: border dark,
// light: border light
// ),
// extended small: (
// '': primary,
// dark: primary dark,
// light: primary light
// ),
// [primary]: (
// primary dark: primary dark,
// ),
// (key1, key2): (
// primary: primary1
// ),
// key1: primary,
// // calculation
// calc(400px + 10%): calculation,
// calculation: calc(400px + 10%),
// // bool
// false: bool,
// bool: false,
// // color
// #fff: color,
// color: #fff,
// // function
// get-function(append): function,
// function: get-function(append),
// // map
// (a: 1, b: 2): map,
// map: (a: 1, b: 2),
// // null
// 'null': null,
// null: 'null',
// // number
// 15: number,
// number: 15,
// // string
// firstname: string,
// string: firstname,
// )
// );
// @debug key-substring(map.get($-theme, basic), '.palette'); // ("default.palette": (), "gray.palette": ("gray": "gray" color, "gray" dark: "gray" dark, "gray" light: "gray" light), "bg.palette": (bg: bg color, bg dark: bg dark, bg light: bg light))
// @debug key-substring(map.get($-theme, basic), 'key1'); // (key1: primary)
// FEATURE: key as map where (position: name)
// @debug key-substring(map.get($-theme, basic), (start: 'test'));
// @debug key-substring(map.get($-theme, basic), (end: 'test'));
// @debug key-substring(map.get($-theme, basic), (start: 'test'), (end: 'test'));
// @debug key-substring(map.get($-theme, basic), ('^': 'test'));
// @debug key-substring(map.get($-theme, basic), ('$': 'test'));
// @debug key-substring(map.get($-theme, basic), ('^': 'test'), ('$': 'test'));