
The translator.translate() function translates list, map, or string with a global dictionary, optionally with a dictionary of $keys.

// Sass.
@use 'sass:list';
@use 'sass:map';
@use 'sass:meta';

// Functions.
@use 'translator.dictionary.function';

// Modules.
@use 'dictionary';
@use 'translate';

// The `translator.translate()` function.
@function translate($words, $keys...) {
      list: meta.get-function(list, false, translate),
      map: meta.get-function(map, false, translate),
      string: meta.get-function(string, false, translate),



The words in list, map, or string to translate.


Keys of the dictionaries that are used to translate $words.


The return value is the translated list, map, or string depending on the given $words.


// Use.
@use '@angular-package/sass/translator';

// Examples.
$-dictionary-example: dictionary.merge(null, (
  (extra large, 'extra large', extra-large): xl,
  (extra small, 'extra small', extra-small): xs,
  class: (prefix: class-prefix, separator: class-separator, suffix: class-suffix, calendars: (calendar: cal), labels: (label: lab)),
  general: (word: słowo, (wrapper, wrap): owijka, (technology, technologia): tech, border: b, outline: o, color: c),
  large: lg,
  medium: md,
  prefix: spectre,
  small: sm,
  suffix: end,

Translate string

Translates string with a dictionary general.

// String
@debug translator.translate(wrapper, general); // owijka
@debug translator.translate(technology, general); // tech

Translate list

Translates list with a dictionary general.

// List
@debug translator.translate(prefix (border, outline) color); // spectre (border, outline) color

Translate map

// Map
@debug translator.translate((word: prefix (border, outline) color)); // (word: spectre (border, outline) color)
@debug translator.translate((word: wrapper), general); // (word: owijka)

Nested key

Translates string with a nested dictionary.

// Nested dictionary calendars
@debug translator.translate(calendar, (class, calendars)); // cal

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