
The var.set() mixin defines the CSS variables based on the given $property.

@mixin set($property, $selector: (), $function: null) {
  @if type-of($property) == map {
    @include selector.nest-content($selector...) {
      @each $name, $variant in $property {
        @if type-of($variant) == map {
          @each $variant-name, $value in $variant {
            @each $name in if(list.separator($name) == comma, $name, ($name)) {
              @if type-of($value) == map {
                @each $value-name, $value in $value {
                  #{name(combine((method: join), $name, $variant-name, $value-name))}: if(
                    #{$function, $value)},
              } @else {
                #{name(combine((method: join), $name, $variant-name))}: if(
                  #{$function, $value)},
        } @else {
          $value: $variant;
          @each $name in if(list.separator($name) == comma, $name, ($name)) {
            #{name($name)}: if(
              #{$function, $value)},



The property or properties of map type to set CSS variables.


Selector in which CSS variables are set.


Function to call on property values of list type.


// Use.
@use 'angular-package/sass/var';

// Examples.

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