
v0.12.0-beta #

v0.11.1-beta #

v0.11.0-beta #

v0.10.0-beta #

v0.9.4-beta #

  • Fix color module mixins color.background-color(), color.background(), and color.color() by removing $selector argument not in use. 8884903

v0.9.3-beta #

v0.9.2-beta #

  • Remove function from color/mixins. b7ff1af

v0.9.1-beta #

  • Fix by adding media to ng-package assets. 5da60de

v0.9.0-beta #

  • Update var.set() add $dictionary argument to translate CSS variable names. 99647c2

  • Add media module with function to add @content depending on $color-scheme. 439305e

  • Add color.scheme-has() function to check whether value has dark, light, or normal string. a4b9f63

  • Add color mixins to set color CSS variable and CSS property. ed33bb0

  • Fix list.remove-value() function by using separator from $list in the returned result. 0c35160

  • Fix string module by removing split function from @forward. fffcc7d

v0.8.0-beta #

v0.7.0-beta #

  • Fix map.set() - add checking whether $key is comma-separated list to have ability to add space separated keys. 1d46564

  • Add query module to search in list by using query. 3e2c20c

  • Add experimental object module to handle multiple multiple keys in map variable as objects. 5274590 6e16608

  • Add map.is() function to check whether the $value is map of optionally $length. 1a3c52c

v0.6.1-beta #

  • Fix color.hsla-color() and color.retrieve() by removing values.map import and change values.map to list.to-map(). e8fe993

v0.6.0-beta #

  • Fix property.variant() passing $dictionary argument by adding map (dictionary: $dictionary). df48216

  • Update selector.class() functionality to retrieve dictionary from $dictionary if key class is found. ae518d4

  • Update var.name() functionality to retrieve dictionary from $dictionary if var is found. f3e5c83

v0.5.1-beta #

  • Fix function.call-arglist() by adding $arguments to the $arglist by using only list.append() function and checking if $arglist is space-separated list. fd90100

v0.5.0-beta #

  • Update property module to handle arguments to use var.get() function dictionary. d28f797

  • Fix dictionary/v1.0.0 purge $dictionary map variable. 5acab9f

  • Update function/call module to handle map type arguments with additional $arguments parameter and add spec. dc6d444 dc6926b

v0.4.1-beta #

  • Add property.variant() to the index. 8c16e87

  • Fix class.variant() by checking $attribute against empty list. 9280a21

  • Fix property.variant() function by adding arguments to properly call retrieved functions. 96bcb0a

  • Fix unnecessary imports, and use property.property() in property.variant(). 213d174

v0.4.0-beta #

v0.3.0-beta #

  • Add values module with a combine() function. 985370f

  • Add map.retrieve() function to unify get and pick. 2e72bd0

  • Add translate module and translator functions. 0ca2128 8031d0d

  • Fix dictionary.pick() merging key with null of `$dictionary. 5735653

Related commits: 5735653 8031d0d

Last updated